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Installing Datapane

Datapane's Python library and CLI can be installed using either pip or conda on macOS, Windows, or Linux. Datapane supports Python 3.8 - 3.11.


Instructions for installing Python can be found at

Additional install instructions can be found on the project GitHub's page.


If you use pip, you can install it with:

pip3 install -U datapane
!pip3 install -U datapane


If you use conda, you can install it with:

conda install -c conda-forge "datapane>=0.16.0"
!conda install -c conda-forge "datapane>=0.16.0"


Conda sometimes installs an older version of Datapane. If you receive errors, please check the version and try running conda update --all or try in a new conda environment (conda create -n ENV and conda activate ENV)


We upgrade Datapane regularly to include new features, both in the client and on the hosted version. From time to time your client may no longer be compatible with the Datapane server when uploading an app. If this happens, you will receive an error like the following:

IncompatibleVersionError: Your client is out-of-date (version 0.9.2) and may be causing errors,
please upgrade to version 0.10.2

In such an event, please upgrade your Datapane cli via pip or conda and try again.

Upgrading via pip

If you installed Datapane via pip, run the following command:

pip install -U datapane

Upgrading via conda

If you installed datapane via conda, run the following command, adding the --all flag if needed. As above, if you receive errors please try using a fresh conda environment.

conda update datapane OR conda update --all

Windows Tips and Troubleshooting

We generally recommend installing via conda over pip on Windows as it's easier to install all the required dependencies.

If you need to install Python first, the latest versions of Windows 10 can install Python for you automatically - running python from the command-prompt will take you to the Windows Store where you can download an official version.

We also strongly recommend using a 64-bit rather than the 32-bit version of Python, you can check this by running the following command from the Command Prompt,

python -c "import struct; print(struct.calcsize('P')*8, 'bit')"

Also note that on Windows, you can run the datapane command either by running datapane or datapane.exe on the command-line.

Windows-specific Issues

Import errors when running/importing Datapane

You may encounter errors such as ImportError: DLL load failed when running Datapane or importing it within your Python code.

If so, try installing the Visual C++ Redistributables for Windows from Microsoft and running again (you most likely want to download the version for x64, i.e. vc_redist.x64.exe)

Datapane install errors trying to compile pyarrow using Visual C++

This usually occurs when you are running a 32-bit version of Python and installing via pip. Either try using conda or install a 64-bit version of Python (for example from the Windows Store as mentioned above).

This may also occur when using Windows 7 - we only support directly Windows 10, however, it may be worth trying to install via conda instead, if you are stuck on Windows 7.